July 18, 2013

Lightning Safety: When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!

Summer is the peak season for one of the nation's deadliest weather phenomena--lightning. Though lightning strikes peak in summer, people are struck year round. In the United States, an average of 53 people are killed each year by lightning, and hundreds more are severely injured.

when thunder roars go indoors sign

Safety: Learn what you need to do to stay safe when thunderstorms threaten.

Description: Side Flash.JPG

Victims: Learn what happens to people who are struck by lightning and look at fatality statistics for the U.S.
animation of Charged Cloud
Science: Learn how thunderstorms develop and what happens during a lightning discharge.


Myths and Facts: Get answers to many of the questions you have always wondered about


Teachers: find curriculum guides, presentations games, activities, and more.Kids: Download games, videos, coloring pages and other fun stuff.publications and other resourcesMore Resources:Download toolkits, posters, pamphlets, and other information to help communities, organizations, and families stay safe from the dangers of lightning